If we all make a small effort to support local agriculture, big results are sure to follow! But how?

Shop Local
Buy fruit, vegetables, meat, and seafood that are produced in town. See a list of local farmers, here.
Share Your Views
Share your views with our local government, and vote for funding that supports agriculture. Meetings are open to the public, but you can also send an email to our Town Council at any time.
Remind your family, friends, and neighbors that farms and open space protect property values.
Identify land that you love, and tell us about it (littlecomptonagtrust@gmail.com).
Come to Ag Trust Meetings
Join us for monthly Ag Trust meetings at Town Hall. We meet once a month. The agenda for each meeting is published a few days prior to the meeting, and is accessible here on our website (see right-hand navigation menu), as well as on the Rhode Island Secretary of State website. The agenda is available in PDF format.
Become a Farmer
It’s a great time to start planting in your own backyard. Little Compton has a terrific growing climate. Grow your own tomatoes, lettuce, beans, pumpkins, berries, or even trees. Don’t have a green thumb? How about raising chickens for eggs or bees and honey?
Agriculture, at least at the relatively small, pre-industrial scale, creates a diversity of microhabitats such as bare soil, wet meadows, woodlots and hedgerows, walls, farm ponds, barns, and other structures. Though commercial agriculture is not as widespread in Little Compton now as it was in the past, land management practices with aesthetic goals, such as horse stables, hobby farming, and aesthetic mowing continue to sustain many of the same types of habitat patchiness and similarly foster species diversity.
Protect Your Own Land from Development
Consider putting your own land under the protection of the Ag Trust. Land does not have to be currently farmed, we welcome land in all forms. Download our Land Application Guide for more information.